Designing and building the best environment for all species

Create captivating habitats with BLC Zootech

Nature in the spotlight

Backed by 30 years’ experience, BLC Zootech specialises in the design and construction of animal breeding and display facilities for zoos, aquariums, vivariums, greenhouses and laboratories.

Created in June 2018, SAS BLC Zootech has taken over the entire professional activity of Benoît Lamort, the company’s director, who has been self-employed since 1999, combining his activities as a consultant, design office and zootechnical production company, particularly in the field of public displays of captive wildlife, and in particular public aquariums, but also pet shops, laboratories, breeding and, in particular, equipment for aquatic animals.

Benoît Lamort holds a Master’s degree in organism and population biology and a certificate of competence in breeding and showing wildlife to the public. He has around thirty years’ experience in this field.


BLC Zootech approaches each new project with a naturalist’s eye, remaining committed to animal welfare, conservation and the reconstitution of environments, with a keen awareness of biology and ecosystems.

Our areas of focus

Aquatic environments – Water treatment – Glazing – Waterproofing – Themed decorations

Association Francaise des parcs zoologiques - AFPDZ

BLC Zootech is a member of the AFDPZ